In this ongoing project (from 2009), Susan and UK artist Fay Hutchcroft exchange digital imagery, with the only rule being that the art generated must also occupy a physical place at some point in the process. One form of the project was created and exhibited in 2014 for Zalop: Illusory Correspondence Art, at Eyedrum Atlanta GA. Shown here are some hightlights of the large collection of works.
In this ongoing project (from 2009), Susan and UK artist Fay Hutchcroft exchange digital imagery, with the only rule being that the art generated must also occupy a physical place at some point in the process. One form of the project was created and exhibited in 2014 for Zalop: Illusory Correspondence Art, at Eyedrum Atlanta GA. Shown here are some hightlights of the large collection of works.
Month Number 10, Monotype and photo transfer with Graphite on Paper, 22 X 22"
In this ongoing project (from 2009), Susan and UK artist Fay Hutchcroft exchange digital imagery, with the only rule being that the art generated must also occupy a physical place at some point in the process. One form of the project was created and exhibited in 2014 for Zalop: Illusory Correspondence Art, at Eyedrum Atlanta GA. Shown here are some hightlights of the large collection of works.
Acrylic, graphite, paper on Board. 20 X 27"
Monotype and photo transfer on paper, 22 X 15"
Monotype, with acrylic and graphite on paper, 20 X 26"